Sunday, November 28, 2010

Day 4 Reflection

A leisure trip? No. A test of courage trip? Yes. Looking at the steepy road we had passed in Shilin and Jiuxiang, thinking , now there is nothing that can scared us anymore.

The wonderful natural shaped stone forest was a great sight to see. The stone was shaped in the figure of a fish, elephant, cat and many more. It makes us wonder in the whole trip what other weird figures will we get to see.

Jiuxiang was like a ladybrinth to us, a big and mysterious- looking maze. When we were passing the cave we had the feeling that this cave are full of secrets . It make this place interesting at the same time abit eerie.

Many of us learn to overcome our fear during this 2 tests of courage. This shows that as long as we had the mind to overcome our fear we can definitely do so.

Group G signing off!